In the attached article found in Successful Farming, Jim Hedges (VP of seed marketing for Winfield United) points out that finding new ways lower your input costs can be extremely important for a farmers success. At you can lower your seed costs, and purchase top of the line genetics from already established seed companies. […]

How to Utilize our Product Comparison Tool
Online Seed Sales makes it easy for you to review and compare products. Our product comparison tool allows you to compare cost, maturity, refuge product and more! Find the right seeds for your needs with our product comparison tool. How to Begin To begin comparing products go to the Shop page and fill out the […]

How to Utilize the Farmers Business Network
The Farmers Business Network is an organization designed to connect farmers across the United States to help you increase your profits. The network consists of thousands of elite farmers who are using Farmers Business Network’s resources to grow their farming operation lower costs. They do this through shared analytics, strong buying power and FBN marketing […]

Top Online Tools for Corn Growers
Navigating your way through the many online tools and resources available to farmers can be tough. It raises questions such as, “Which of these resources is the most reliable?” or “How do I know find the tool I’m searching for?” Because we know how difficult it can be, we’ve compiled a list of the top […]