What Soybean Density works best for Performance? (Farm Progress Article)
Farmers may need to find different ways to manage their soybean crop due to high input costs and commodity prices. Planting the right seeding rate is one way to get optimal yields. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

PROS AND CONS OF 7 TILLAGE SYSTEMS (Article from Farm Journal)
“The first step to choosing the ideal production systems for your farm is to understand the various systems. The list below is not all-inclusive, but they are the most common systems, says Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie.” READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

17 Ways To Improve Your Corn Yield. (Article From Farm Progress)
“Back in 2011, agronomists agreed that averaging 300 bushels of corn per acre by 2030 was out of line, even though some short-term trend lines indicated such corn yield gains were possible. Before you finish getting the planter ready to roll, check out thee 17 tips that could help you boost corn yield. If it’s […]

Use practices such as starter fertilizer, split applications and stabilizers to ensure nutrients are available to the crop early and during the entire growing season.
You’re busy prepping equipment for the 2022 planting season and anxiously awaiting the first chance to get in the field. And you don’t want your neighbors to beat you. Still, don’t skimp on fertilizer applications to get there. “Up to 60% of crop yield is dependent on soil fertility,” says Taylor Purucker, Mosaic Co. eastern North America […]
Should you consider late N application with a Y-drop system in 2021?
Nitrogen availability near flowering time and during grain fill can be one of the most important factors in maximizing final yields. The advantage of a Y-drop nitrogen (N) application system appears to be greatest in dry environments, as it concentrates the added N in the largest and most active root zone, and it allows N […]

Derecho Resistant Corn Research
There have been several articles in the news recently which were titled “derecho proof” corn. These articles observed advantages in standability following the August 7 2020 derecho, for shorter corn hybrids being developed by research conducted independently by Bayer and Stine corn research programs. Miller Hybrids has already developed a key “derecho resistant” medium-short corn […]