The Best Corn Seed Storage Tips for Your Needs
Do you have corn seed in Hastings, Nebraska that ends up getting wasted every year? This problem is one that affects many farmers and growers and can be exasperating. It can also be costly if your seeds end up getting too damaged and force you to buy even more for next year’s planting. As a result, you need to know how to properly store your seed to ensure that your corn is healthy. Thankfully, we at Online Seed Sales have a few storage tips that you can keep in mind to keep your seeds safe.
Collecting Your Seeds
At the end of every harvest, you may want to collect your corn seed from the husks that you have picked. It would help if you didn’t take too many seeds, obviously, or you won’t be able to sell that many shells. However, you can take seeds from one out of every 10 husks, and you should have enough corn to sell and a good amount of seeds to supplement the seeds that you have to buy later next year.
The easiest way to get these seeds is to pick them right off the corn after picking. Collect all of the husks that you plan on seeding and place them in a large container. Now, carefully peel the seeds away from the shell using a specialized de-seeder and place these seeds in a large box. Make sure that the seed container can also seal to ensure that they don’t get contaminated.
By the time that you’re done, you should have a pretty large amount of seeds – the exact amount will vary depending on the size of your harvest. As a result, you may have to take several steps to ensure that your seeds are properly stored. Doing so can help to ensure that they are strong enough to last through the winter and spring and will be available for planting when needed.
Maintaining the Proper Temperature
Now that you’ve collected the corn seed that you want to use for next year, you must place them in a temperature-controlled area. They must be kept out of direct sunlight because this may trigger growth. The same is true of any warm conditions – you want your seeds to be ready to grow next year, not already half-grown by the time the planting season rolls around again.
So try to find a spot on your farm that has a cold and consistent temperature. Many people place their seeds in a cold basement or cooler areas of their house. For example, the north side of a home is going to get the least amount of sun and probably remain the coolest throughout the year. Make sure that the seeds are placed in solid containers that mice or other pests cannot invade.
If you want, you can refrigerate your seeds to keep them at the proper temperature. Though you may not have a refrigerator large enough for all of them, you may have a walk-in cooler where you keep some farming supplies. Seeds can be frozen, if necessary, but may end up expanding or bursting if they are damp at all. As a result, you must keep them as dry as possible during storage.
Keeping Your Seeds Dry
Your corn seed must not only avoid warmth but excessive moisture as well. Do you know what happens when you add water to any seed? It starts to grow. Even a small amount may trigger some symptoms of the growth stage. And if this stage begins with a seed in storage, it will likely end with minimal progress when the water is gone. Once stopped, the growth stage usually doesn’t start again.
As a result, you need to make sure that you dry your seeds out to keep them from any issues during storage. Try to place them in an area that has as little moisture as possible – a sealed area of your home or barn that uses dehumidifiers can help. Wait for a week or two before you try the bend test – carefully bend a seed from each container to see how it reacts. If it can snap in half instead of bending, it is likely to dry enough to place in a freezer or a refrigerated environment.
We suggest that you find an air-tight container that you can use to store your seeds. You may also want to buy one of those air-tight packaging devices that allows you to pull all of the air and moisture out of a piece of plastic to make it store your seeds as dryly as possible. These steps do add a little money to the process but are more than worth it if a vast majority of your seeds are ready to plant next year.
Choosing a Proper Storage Container
Lastly, it would help if you chose a container that fully protects your corn seed from any damage potential. This step may seem reasonably easy – many people buy those large plastic containers you probably see at Walmart and call it a day. Unfortunately, rats and other pests can quickly get into these containers. And raccoons, with their smart hands, can often pry open the lid for a natural feeding frenzy.
As a result, you need to choose more robust containers that cannot be broken into easily. We suggest metal lockers that can be easily sealed and locked for extended periods. These lockers provide the kind of protection that your seeds need to be safe. And before putting your seeds in these lockers, store them in glass jars that are easy to stack and which give your seeds a little breathing room during the year.
Remember to keep these seeds in areas that are dry and cool to cold, and you shouldn’t have a hard time storing them. But where do you want these storage centers? Some people prefer to place them in their homes because they are easier to watch. However, you may not have room for them and need to put them in a separate storage area. We suggest a garage attached to your home because it is usually easier to control the atmosphere of such areas.
You Can Properly Store Your Seeds
As you can see, storing the best corn seed Hastings, Nebraska has to offer isn’t a significant challenge. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps to keep your seed secure and ready to grow for next year. And if you need some extra grain to supplement what you’ve stored, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Online Seed Sales right away to learn more. Our professionals will help you find the great corn that you need for your farm or your growing fields.